Saturday, May 25, 2019



On Leases, Office Equipment, Office Furniture, Phone Systems, Computers all are on contracts to pay or should be set up to be on them. 

The Offices all will be 3 to 5 to 7 year leases, you will want the Landlord to BUILD out or REMODEL the office to allow your business for maximum efficiency and productivity. This is standard and is calculated or will be calculated into the rent. 

The trick to starting your business is the maximize cash flow as fast as possible and get your business generating income as fast as possible. 

Thus the best way to start is to negotiate and get FREE RENT FOR FIRST 3 MONTHS  this is always done when you make contract and good deal for your office location.  This will allow you to make and if you don't will your not out anything but never have a plan B but when your expanding all over the nation fast its good to have all the offices with 3 months to get them off the ground! 

The whole key to offices is get the maximum locations with the highest productivity and the LOWEST OVERHEAD.  This means they do not have to A class buildings but can be B or C and have good location with GOOD SIGNAGE WHICH you will want to NEGOTIATE as well. 

So now that the office lease you have under control ie first three months free then you negotiate contracts with all your other assets that you need. 

The Sign, Office Equipment, Office Furniture, Phone Systems, Computers  and negotiate no payments till 3 months out this will ensure your business hits the ground running. 

Now the goal is to maximize income, streamline your business operations for SPEED to get get your service done or product out faster then the competition.   A smaller faster more efficient company will take over and out perform a bigger one. 

When doing your business you have to maximize YOUR MARGINS and run your business lean, only spend on what is going get return on the money and train your staff to be more efficient then the army. 

If your building a sales force they have to be able to out sell and close anyone in the industry.  How is that accomplished. 

Hard Core Role Playing and MAXIMUM training and making them know their product better then anyone in the entire market.  They have to always be closing of course the but the real part of the equation is providing not just FASTER and Better Service they have to be 100% more honest then the rest of the industry.  That alone will allow it to outperform the competition.   

What is hardcore role playing? It is listing as a group every possible objection then getting the absolute best answer for each objection. This is an entire book in itself but you would use closing tactics, tie downs, pre qualifying your client, closed ended questions, leading with questions, selling fear and other facets but bottom line no matter what its not a sales pitch or job your business has to literally be the absolute best the industry to make your company sell for the most. It isn't hard being the best cause the competition usually so slow, dumb, inefficient, sloppy and not DRIVEN to give total customer satisfaction. The product you sale has to be better. In the mortgage industry we were so fast closing in 1 weeks or less and having appraisal and titles done 2 days which took other companies a month. Then on top of that our appraisers we paid tripple and they got the highest value every time and no one not one bank, credit union or other mortgage company could compete with that cause we had the fastest turn time in out and done in week, highest appraisal which equated to the most MONEY TO THE CLIENT so they never went with another offer even if another co was ahead of us by 3 or 4 weeks we just slaughtered the competition.   Plus we had the best rates too. Most our clients refinanced in 6 months and we got them  all into rental properties from 1 to 20++ or more and got all our clients making tons of money.  We were so good we closed the hardest constructions loans the other lenders couldn't and we got referals all over the nation from Evander HolyField, Jay Leno, Baseball & Football players homes from 20M to 50M!  

The point is you make your business the best, SPEED is the BEST and the best product and service and train your team like a machine and BOOM. 

The appraisals by the way were not over inflated we paid tripple for better faster appraisal service and even paid for them to get lots more certifications which allowed to the truely justify values and stay in legal limits.  Out of hundreds of thousands maybe a million + loans closed NO DEFAULTS and our books and files were audited numberous times be potential buyers and even bank commision on random occasions.   That business I ran tight and by the book like all should be with in house account, attorney, processing, underwriting etc etc. 

The point is this is how you want your business to run TIGHT, FAST, LEAN and with your employee's on point. 

Every one needs to be on the same page and allow for incentives, maximum bonuses, maximum commissions and if possible profit sharing. If you have culture where everyone is on the same page and has killer pit bull, piranha aggressiveness to solve problems, make sales and generate value to the customer it will dominate the industry. 

The business has to constantly create new products, service and provide superior results and the advertising and marketing won't even need to be done then. 

If the entire company is working 80 to 100 hours a week and everyone is making big BANK they will work tons of hours and you won't even need to schedule people this is when you know your going to the top.  Winning is the name of the game and making it big it. 

Thus train, streamline all your operations for SPEED and efficiency faster, better and close quick.   My first company we even set up a 2nd company to be a fake competitor that would contact our difficult customers and quoted them a way worse scenario and even told the customer "wow, whatever company quoted you that we can't even touch it:".  That year back and sold an 8 years of growth company for 90,000,000.  

The key factors are still the same.  So its max number of offices with lowest amount of overhead to capitalized on most market coverage and HIGHEST PROFIT MARGINS, which also means keeping MOST of all the company profits in the bank and living like average JOE so when 5 year out you can show on the books and in the bank your company is making millions and has cash in the bank and chose who to sell it too and start taking offers. 

The thing is you would be looking large fortune 500 companies will be finding you and your business as they did find my mortgage co.  The first offer was only 60 Million and was planning to get 100M from day one.  

This brings us to the plan, the map you map out on one or 2 pages all the locations, in order, number of employee's and income in the beginning and follow it.   I did this when I was first a loan officer when the company would screw up and I had time to waste.  It was soo good two other people employee's I hired stole it and followed it out almost all the way and still are in business making millions.  Point if you write you what if NOTHING can't be accomplished plan and follow it and it will happen IF you don't get crazy drunk and lose track with all the money buying every luxury thing around. 

So the key FACTORs to real business success to make the HUGE money is
Buy 3 months free time on everything, stream lines, perfect operations for maximum speed, maximum profit margins, lean operations (pass on ads and marketing) train your sales team like killers and putting in many offices with high income and low over head, and keep most all the profits in the bank this will allow to be on the books as SUPER HIGHLY SOUGHT AFTER CO esp when take out the old big company competitors that have gotten SLOW, LAZY and SLOPPY. The only problem is going to be that they will be hiring all your fired employees which will be alot if your running a hard core tight no bs ship. 

On Employee's most important part about this is DO NOT HIRE FRIENDS biggest mistake you'll ever make cause you can't manage them, they expect you owe them and they will stab you in the back and steal all your shit and that goes the same for hiring groups of friends.   In order to keep your employee's on point keep them trained, give the time and effort they need but if they don't catch on after be retrained a 2nd time or worst yet they start to have a BAD ATTITUDE fire their ass FAST.

One bad attitude is worse then the EBOLA DISEASE and it will crash any company to the dirt FAST and make it go bankrupt if left unchecked.  I have to fire entire offices 2 times and believe you fire the first one with a bad attitude RIGHT in middle office so everyone can see.   Thinks its cruel its not it is proven a thief in a bank or business always the one with bad attitude.  Test out the law and have your company pay the price, its so devastating cause groups of people will then steal or and steal your whole company and start their own. 

I hired people who had zero experience over all the years and made them all make tons of money the lowest income on any given month was 25k to 30k among the loan officers.

Take the best employee's and make the managers, but your going train all of them to BE MANAGERs and then take the best ones and promote them with raises and then send them all over the nation to set up the office, equipment, hire the people and get the business going with 3 months free rent and assests and stay at the head quarters and control your army.  I had plan to have 20 offices making 1 mill a month with would allow it to be easily sold for 50 mill no big deal for a hard core mortgage co at that point I brought in reverse mortgages and doubled the revenue of all 20 offices thus making 2M per office and 20M but ended up selling 90M only cause put the whole company in my top employee's name or it would have gotten 100M.

The point is the system works and setting up your company and knowing  your going to sell it before you even start with your plan, the road map you have mapped out very detailed works.

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